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Terms that help us redefine and recontextualize health, prosperity, and love.
Archetypal Wounds

Mindbody wounds resulting from the turbulence of abandonment, shame, and betrayal. In biocognitive theory, these wounds are viewed as archetypal because they are found in all cultures with different degrees of interpretation.

Beyond the pale

Historically, early tribal cultures enclosed their members’ dwellings within fences or walls (“pale”) to protect against wild animals and enemies. If you remained within the enclosure, you were protected, accepted, and required to work for the collective benefit of the tribe. But if you went “beyond the pale,” you were no longer considered a contributor to the benefit of the tribe: to venture out for your own benefit did not serve tribal needs.


Term coined by Mario Martinez in 1998 to define his theory of mind body culture. In his biocognitive theory, Martinez proposes that cognition and biology coemerge within a cultural history to find maximum contextual relevance. Biocognition challenges the limitations of the conventional sciences that reduce life to its biological components and dismiss mind as a neurochemical expression. Rather than an epiphenomenon of biology, cognition coemerges with biology in an inseparable coauthorship of phenomenology and physicality within cultural horizons.



The biocognitive clock, term coined by Mario Martinez in 2010, estimates the duration of your actions in your living space. Your biology responds more to your subjective experience of the passing of time than any of your biological clocks. Set your biocognitive clock to have all the time in the world to avoid living in the urgent present.

biocognitive Clock

Hector Sabelli, found what he calls biotic patterns in natural processes such as heartbeat intervals that, although chaotic in their nonlinear nature, show complex novel patterns rather than unpredictability. Thus, self generating systems such as living organisms continually create novel and transient patterns that diversify in time. See Sabelli.

Centenarian Consciousness

A term coined by Mario Martinez in 2000 to describe the unique ways centenarians tend to perceive time, health, aging, and self-valuation as well as how they emote gratitude, generosity, admiration, and curiosity. Research in neuropsychology indicate how the four perceptual factors affect stress, and cultural psychoneuroimmunology research describe how the four affective factors influence anti-inflammatory regulation.

chaotic compass

A variability guide to navigate the complexity of our turbulence. It disconnects our reruns by shifting from confirming the known to discovering novelty. Rather than pointing to fixed locations, it guides based on the instability that emerges from the turbulence.


Mutual contribution and participation with an event or a person. Communication is always a coauthored engagement, and it is never a one way process void of coupling.

Communication Culture Code

Maximized coherence between the implicit language (intended meaning) of policy makers and the explicit language (interpreted meaning) of policy implementers in an organization.

contextual coemergence

Attributes simultaneous cause to the biocultural histories that are exchanged between communicators (at all levels) in a shared bioinformational field that seeks maximum contextual relevance. Coemergence is a biocognitive term that offers a new causality in biology. Rather than the conventional assumption that life processes emerge one from another, in biocognition, causality coemerges simultaneously and is perceived sequentially. Although the emergent upward and downward causality of academic biology may be necessary, they are not sufficient to explain the complexities of life.

cultural editors

Authority figures in cultural contexts that mold our identity through lessons, admonitions and examples. The cultural editors influence our conception of self-worthiness and self attributes with their placebo and nocebo decrees.

cultural paradigm

A conceptual working model with inherent cultural assumptions, rules of engagement, and attributions.

cultural psychoneuroimmunology

An interdisciplinary model proposed by Mario Martinez to investigate how social and cultural contexts affect immune, nervous and endocrine regulation. It moves psychoneuroimmunology rat research in conventional labs, to field studies with humans in their natural environments. Dr. Martinez argues that academic labs are void of cultural contexts, and since rats are incapable of understanding the meaning of their actions and awareness of their mortality, results extrapolated to humans lack major contributing factors that affect health and longevity.

Deep Self

Biocognitive theory incorporates John Lilly’s research with sensory deprivation tanks where self is void of all external sensorial stimulation leaving a core construct that contextualizes the external world as primordial process rather than fixed entity. Deep Self in biocognition is explored neuropsychologically rather than philosophically.

default mode Network

A neuroscience term to describe a default state during decreases in neural activity. Discovered by Marcus Raichle (2001), the default mode network is the regions of the brain that remain activate when shifting from focused tasks to daydreaming, musing, and making plans. There is recent research showing how the DMN, rather than an automatic pilot taking over when we go off task to ponder, it is the cultural meaning-making terrains that strongly influence our interpretations of our inner and external world based on habit triggered by context.


A term coined by Dr. Mario Martinez to define aging as an illness. This hypothesis opens possibilities to debunk inevitable mindbody deterioration with the passing of time.

Empowerment code

Access  to resources needed to overcome a challenge. A communication culture that views effectiveness, efficiency and meaning as inseparable components of sustained wellness for individuals and groups.

Existential Elegance

Coined by Dr. Mario Martinez to describe a dimension of selfhood that finds pleasure in service, meaning, and purpose. Responds with commitment, honor and loyalty to self when abandoned, shamed, and betrayed by others. Chooses decorum when challenged by a world of vulgar eyes. Determines the rightness of the moment guided by a moral compass when provoked to engage malevolence. Existential elegance is the antidote to perdition. (See perdition).


An out of order action in the present with potential unfolding meaning or relevance in the future. A component of interconnectedness and its synchronistic portals.

Felt Meaning

The physiological manifestation of a charged word or emotion - how the experienced meaning of the word or symbol is embodied.

guardians of the heart

Guardians of the Heart is an embodied biocognitive model that views relationships as opportunities to heal the archetypal wounds of abandonment, shame, and betrayal that we rerun when love comes our way. By offering our hearts for reciprocal safekeeping, a guardianship is established to coauthor healing fields of commitment, honor, and loyalty, within a covenant of safety.

healing fields

Mindbody Code resolution of archetypal wounds that go beyond intellectually reasoning the solutions. The healing field for abandonment is commitment mindfulness; honor mindfulness for shame; and loyalty mindfulness for betrayal.

indeterminate locality

A biocognitive term to conceptualize how non linear communication is archived through multiple complexity localities that are not accessible until they coemerge into linear processes. Indeterminate locality provides an alternative to the improper use of quantum non locality when defining nonlinearity. Quantum non locality has no travel origin and it applies to subatomic particles, whereas indeterminate locality has complex multiplicity of travel origins and takes place above atomic levels. While indeterminate locality is based on complexity theory, non locality is a quantum physics event. It is an error of category to use these two terms interchangeably.

infinite nesting

Repetitive patterns of disordered order in fractals containing all the information from the total pattern. This complexity theory concept is extrapolated in biocognition to explain the default modes of operative consciousness.

Latte Inquisition

Suppression of free speech by the ignorants of history. These self-appointed inquisitors find inspiration in their latte's to define propriety,  grounded on pseudo indignation and elitist monopoly on truth. 


The time/space required to assimilate the wellness and joyful benefits of offering and receiving love.


In complexity theory, stability is defined as a range of repetition from minimum variability in quantum flux, to long and complex patterns of repetition in periodic and chaotic processes that can only be detected with recurrent methods. While periodic and chaotic series show greater recurrence than randomness, creative processes (biological, economic, etc.) are less recurrent than randomness. Thus, novelty is a unique condition of recurrence between chaos and randomness that can be measured by quantifying the scarcity of recurrences. In biocognition, the reductionist model of biology is replaced with principles of complexity theory interacting with cultural variables.

Oviedo Effect

Unambiguous and direct invitation to coauthor transparency. Self-confidence to gracefully view rejection as declining a gift rather than inditing flaw of character. Term inspired by Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona film when the main character invites two beautiful women to a romantic weekend in Barcelona.

operative consciousness

The mind body perceptual field determined by cultural presuppositions and beliefs. We perceive within the cultural horizons of our beliefs.

perceptual investment value

The implicit worth given to an intention, event, or action.


In biocognitive theory, perdition is a psychological path of victimhood leading to addictions, compulsions, obsessions, and other dysfunctional strategies to avoid inevitable pain when confronted with foreboding challenges. (See existential elegance).


Rather than merely redefining the cognitive meaning of a context (semantic shifting), it is a process that revisions the felt meaning of a context. It embodies the biosymbols that define the new context.

relational incompleteness

The brain is an incomplete interpreter that reaches meaning based on contextual relevance. Self is a relational entity that finds meaning with coauthors of identity within a culturally constructed context. Self identification is a potentiality that coemerges at the horizons of the relationship it coauthors. The interpreting brain interacts with the world to complete its interpretation, and the relational self finds identity in the connection.


A behavior or event that gives inclusive meaning to the individual, family or culture. For example, breaking bread, celebrating birthdays and holidays with family and friends etc. A ritual identifies our relational self with our cultural belongingness.


A behavior or event that reflects what we do with some regularity. A routine identifies what we must do to maintain status quo. For example, going to work, taking a shower, shopping etc.

segments of nothingness

The experience in between thoughts and observations during contemplative practices. Segments without contexts.


 A biocognitive term defining the embodiment and enactment of self-significance. A path to explore inherent excellence obscured by cultural admonitions and disillusioning experiences. 

self referent fallacy

To interpret the actions or circumstances of others based on our own experiences.

Selfing Revolution

The word revolution derives from Latin revolvere "turn, roll back." A forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system. But the selfing revolution is an overthrow of the internal social rules and cultural dictums that contain us within the pale. On this inward quest, we confront our self-created demons and prison of nostalgia that was never meant to be.  Selfing is process rather than goal.


Term coined by Mario Martinez to classify people in an age range from 95 to 99 years old.

Sir Lancelot's Burden

Based on the Arthurian fables, Mario Martinez coined the phrase that has significant psychological implications in the the process of healing emotional wounds. When we dignify our suffering from our misdeeds, just as Sir Lancelot did after betraying King Arthur, self-inflicted wounds never heal until self compassion replaces misguided dignity.  

Terrains of Meaning

The biosymbolic process of seeking maximum contextual relevance for survival and meaning-making. Biocognitive science recontextualizes the meaning of terrains that support behavior rather than modify behavior.

the drift

A biocognitive term to identify the synchronistic co-emergence of interconnectedness. The Drift is non linear and unpredictable. It unfolds without apparent sequence. Although the Drift cannot be sought linearly, shifting from confirming expectations to a discovery mode, increases the probability of entering its undulations from the Source.


A biocognitive term to express the process of detaching from the social and cultural labels of self. Unselfing occurs during deep levels of meditation or contemplative states. It is a groundless awareness that rids self of all its masks and labels. Without proper guidance unselfing can be a frightening experience. In pathological processes, it manifests as dissociative and depersonalization states during extreme anxiety reactions. Contemplative adepts can enter unselfing states at will without deleterious effects.

urgent present

A biocognitive term coined by Mario Martinez to illustrate compressing time as a way of life. Urgent present is different than the fight or flight response. The urgency mindset is so insidious that most see it as the way of how life should be in modern society.

variability guide

A searching mode that orients based on the novelty that emerges from the instability of turbulence. Sudden shifts from known to unknown time/space conditions require a navigational guide that replaces confirmation with discovery: entering unpredictable conditions without imposing linear order. See Chaotic Compass.

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