The uncertainty of turbulence can be navigated with a chaotic compass.
What is a chaotic compass? It’s a variability guide to navigate the complexity of your turbulence. It disconnects you from reruns by shifting from confirming to discovering.
What is your turbulence today? Fear? Despair? Surrender?
To Navigate Fear
Point your chaotic compass to evidence of when your courage served you well, and then embody its empowerment field: experience the felt meaning of your mindbody memory.
To Navigate Despair
Point your chaotic compass to evidence of when your patience served you well, and then embody its empowerment field: experience the felt meaning of your mindbody memory.
To Navigate Surrender
Point your chaotic compass to evidence of when your commitment served you well, and then embody its empowerment field: experience the felt meaning of your mindbody memory. Your heaven and your hell live in your mindbody archives - choose what to access.
Returning to Stability
Once the turbulence is over, there is a process to guide you back into stability.
Moving from survival mode to meaning
Bringing back the lessons from adversity
Evaluating who taught you how to deal with adversity
Creating new rituals that support your resilience
Celebrating having successfully weathered the storm
Life is a linear journey with chaotic interruptions. Deviations from objectives caused by clearly undetermined causes (chaos), need to be observed and contained rather than trying to impose linear solutions on non-linear processes.
As you learn to navigate from stability to uncertainty, the chaotic compass will be a useful guide rather than a fear condition.
Such is the way of The Drift...
