Understanding the Dance of Reason and Emotions
Imagine longing for someone who does not want you. An exercise in missing being marginalized. An opportunity for self-devaluation. But how can such dysfunctional behavior exist in brilliant minds and compassionate hearts? Because the brain adheres to a code of reason, and the heart exudes unconditional love.
In the event of unrequited love, the brain understand immediately because it reasons; why long for someone who doesn't want me? Consequently it severs the connection. But the unconditional love of the heart, continues to care grounded on the principle of belongingness at all costs. Sadly, a disconnection from what is and what was or could be.
Realizing the reason/emotion schism, opens a path to resolution by recognizing the conflict is within rather than consequences from a cruel world. Someone who is done with you without your permission. Then the focus can shift from wanting who does not want you based on remaining loyal in eternal love, to giving yourself permission to be unwanted by one and loved by many. Only then, brain and heart are given freedom to release mind and body to love again.
By not understanding that permission is the key that unlocks a self-imposed prison of nostalgia, we remain out of step in the dance of reason and emotions.

For more information read my new psychological novel The Phoenix Self: In Search of Methuselah