Life Outside the Cultural Fishbowl
Why is the openness and directness of the Oviedo Effect uncomfortable to some who view it as "too forward," and other labels that imply inappropriateness? Because most people live within a cultural fishbowl that determines the level of openness based on time - more accurately, cultural time.
Although it may "take time" to feel comfortable before disclosing feelings and intentions, it is more an issue of authenticity determined by self-confidence than by time. If authenticity is traded for being liked, then decisions in social interactions are based on pleasing others rather than being true to yourself. But more important than the restrictions imposed by cultural time, it is the refusal to recognize openness as a gift that can be rejected without indictment of character flaw. In other words, to reject an Oviedian proposal simply means refusing the gift rather than the giver.
Consequently, if you want to cultivate outliership, life beyond the cultural fishbowl, then I invite you to learn the Oviedian language of authenticity, and give others permission to accept your gift as sign of respect for their existential elegance, or as rejection of forthrightness they are not ready to accept. Either way, the invitation to explore the courage of authenticity without apologies will remain alive and well.
But do not confuse authenticity with rudeness or aggressiveness. To be respectfully direct and transparent with decorum, are the foundation of Oviedian language. A path to liberation from cultural baggage to celebrate authenticity of selfhood.

For more information read my new psychological novel The Phoenix Self: In Search of Methuselah